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mise en attente
commun. call hold
commun., IT parking mode
fin. shelved
IT clamp-on switching
law, commun., IT parking
telecom. camp-on status; camp-on position; station camp-on
mettre en attente
comp., MS hold (To temporarily suspend an active phone call); dehydrate (To save the state of a running orchestration to persistent storage and remove it from memory when the orchestration has been idle for a certain length of time)
Mettre en attente
comp., MS Hold In (A UI element referring to a descriptor for a type of keyframe, known as discrete keyframe, that does not interpolate to its own value from the value of the keyframe before it (as most keyframes do). A keyframe exists at a keytime. Clicking Hold In causes the keyframe to maintain (or hold), until its own keytime, the value of the keyframe before it. Only when the keyframe's keytime is reached does it apply its own value and it does so instantaneously. The value (or time) curve would therefore be a flat line with an immediate vertical step at the keytime of the Hold In keyframe); Hold (A button on Phone Controls that places the current phone call on hold)
mise en attente: 44 phrases in 6 subjects
Information technology5