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gen. software; hardware; computer software
comp., MS computer program
environ. software
IT software
polit. computer programme
gen. computer software
| programmes informatiques
 programme informatique
mil. logist. computer program
| et
comp. AND
| données informatiques
 donnée informatique
IT R&D. datum
tous | sous
med. down
| forme
construct. roof style
- only individual words found

to phrases
logiciel m
gen. software (Computer program or other media which require hardware for use to be made of them); hardware; computer software
comp., MS computer program (A set of instructions in some computer language intended to be executed on a computer so as to perform some task. The term usually implies a self-contained entity, as opposed to a routine or a library)
environ. software Software is the general term used to describe all of the various programs that may be used on a computer system. Software can be divided into four main categories: systems software, development software, user interface software, applications software
IT software
polit. computer programme
logiciels m
patents. computer software recorded programs (programmes enregistrés); software programs
logiciels programmes enregistrés m
gen. computer software recorded
logiciels, programmes informatiques et données informatiques
: 1 phrase in 1 subject