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gen. path tracking
agric. fertilizer placement
commun. positioning
construct. establishment; setting up; settlement; siting
life.sc. map reference
life.sc. transp. location
med. site
| non
comp. NOT
précisée dans | une
commun. front page
| partie
gen. contracting party
| proximale
med. nearest
du | membre supérieur
 membre supérieur
med. upper limb
- only individual words found

to phrases
localisation f
gen. path tracking; product localisation; localisation; location, tracking
agric. fertilizer placement
commun. positioning
comp. finding; placement
comp., MS localization (The process of adapting a product and/or content (including text and non-text elements) to meet the language, cultural, and political expectations and/or requirements of a specific local market (locale)); location (The street address or geographical coordinates of a user, and (by way of extensions) of the user's computer or devices)
construct. establishment; setting up; settlement; siting
life.sc. map reference
life.sc., transp. location
med. site; site of a disease; locating
nat.res. positioning (shipping); location (shipping)
stat., demogr., construct. localization
transp., mil., grnd.forc. tracking
UN position finding
UN, geol. delineation
localisation d'un train f
railw., sec.sys. train location
localisation engrais f
agric., chem. turning under
 French thesaurus
localisation f
mil., logist. Détermination de la position d'un objet ou de l'emplacement d'une activité à la surface terrestre grâce à des renseignements apparaissant sur une carte, généralement le réseau géographique ou le quadrillage. (FRA)
localisation non
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Health care1