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agric. census schedule
comp., MS cake paper; journal
econ. lab.law. duty roster; time sheet
IT leaf
IT dat.proc. childless node
nat.sc. foliage leaf
stat. enumeration sheet
tech. activation foil
| séparée
arts. separate
| insérée
comp. nested
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
feuille f
gen. tissue obsolete
agric. census schedule
book.bind. ply; sheet (folium)
chem. toll; blade; arc; bend; film
comp. sheet
comp., MS cake paper (" In the Comfy Cakes game, a piece of parchment paper on the conveyor belt for a new cake that the player will try to "bake". Each paper represents an order for a new cake, however, the actual order on the screen will only change after the cake is either completed or has ended up in the bin."); journal (A chronological list of transactions, in the form of debits and credits, for a particular account or group of accounts, such as sales or cash disbursements); sheet (A primary document used in Excel to store and work with data. A worksheet consists of cells that are organized into columns and rows; a worksheet is always stored in a workbook)
construct. scale; plate
econ., lab.law. duty roster; time sheet
industr., construct. slab
IT leaf
IT, dat.proc. childless node; terminal node
met. sheet-metal; folia
nat.sc. foliage leaf
nat.sc., agric. scoldfish (Citharus linguatula, Eucitharus linguatula); spotted flounder (Citharus linguatula, Eucitharus linguatula)
pack. sheet (de papier, carton ou matière plastique); sheeting (of paper, board or plastics, de papier, carton ou matière plastique)
patents. page
stat. enumeration sheet
tech. activation foil
радиоакт. radiator foil; activation foil (dans un détecteur par feuille)
feuillé f
bot. leafy
feuilles papeterie f
gen. paper sheets stationery
feuille Citharus linguatula f
ichtyol. spotted flounder
feuille v
gen. leaf (A single sheet of paper, recto and verso, making two pages of a book; the basic bibliographical unit of a book); sheet (A printer's unit; the full size of a paper when printed, forming the section of a book when folded)
agric. schedule
environ. leaf The main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants, usually consisting of a flat green blade attached to the stem directly or by a stalk
industr. sheeting
med. foil
nat.sc., agric. scaldfish (Citharus linguatula, Eucitharus linguatula)
tech. sheet (map); leaf (tree)
feuillées v
health. latrine
feuillepapier v
transp. sheet
feuillant v
agric., industr. leafy
feuille d'un pare-brise feuilleté v
transp. layer of glass windscreen
feuillées adj.
health. squatting latrine; cesspool
 French thesaurus
feuille f
comp., MS Cake Paper
forestr. feuilles
feuille séparée
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Immigration and citizenship1
Information technology3