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to phrases
convention collective
gen. collective agreement (du travail); collective bargaining agreement
econ. collective agreement
IMF. collective labor agreement; labor contract; union contract
law, lab.law. collective wage agreement; industrial agreement; wage agreement
polit. collective agreement A written agreement regarding working conditions and terms of employment concluded between one or more employers or employers' organizations, on the one hand, and one or more representative workers' organizations or duly elected representatives of the workers, on the other (Accord écrit relatif aux conditions de travail et d'emploi conclu entre, d'une part, un ou plusieurs employeurs ou organisations d'employeurs, et, d'autre part, une ou plusieurs organisations représentatives de travailleurs ou les représentants des travailleurs intéressés)
PR pay agreement
convention collective: 70 phrases in 11 subjects
Health care1
International Monetary Fund1
Labor law9
Public relations7
Social science7