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gen. inspection; examination
fin. audit; search
IT dat.proc. checking
IT tech. data check
law control of a company
math. control
tech. monitoring; check
| l
tech. Length
| étanchéité
gen. leak tightness
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| parties
gen. contracting party
- only individual words found

to phrases
contrôler v
gen. to monitor; to supervise; audit
agric. test
agric., tech., mater.sc. inspect
automat. monitor; survey
chem. to control; to check; to inspect; to verify
comp. control
fin. monitor, to; audit, to
footb. trap
hobby be in control/to
IT to check; to control
med.appl. to monitor
pack. examine; check
telecom. verify
textile oversee
contrôle v
gen. inspection; examination; scrutiny
commun. monitor
dat.proc. supervision
fin. audit; search
IT, dat.proc. checking
IT, tech. data check
law control of a company
law, insur., commun. checks/checking; surveillance; tests/testing; verification
math. control
social.sc., transp., mech.eng. indicating
stat. editing
tech. monitoring; check
contrôles v
IT, social.sc., transp. indicators
contrôle de la société v
busin., labor.org. control of the company
controler v
mater.sc., mech.eng. monitor
contrôler l 'étanchéité des parties
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Materials science1