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fish.farm. fish protein concentrate
IT chem. glacial
bev. beverage base
chem. concentrate; short; oil paste
food.ind. retentate
health. concentrated
met. heading
anim.husb. concentrates
nutritionnels | et
comp. AND
| compléments nutritionnels
 complément nutritionnel
agric. nutritional complement
| non
comp. NOT
| médicaux
health. commun. may dee cal
| à
gen. per
| base
chem. base
| d
commun. IT D-star
| herbes
social.sc. bash
| aliments
environ. food
| à bas
 à bas
gymn. down
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
concentré m
agric. concentrated feedingstuffs
chem. metallic concentrate
concentrés bouillons m
gen. bouillon concentrates; broth concentrates
concentrer v
chem. concentrate; thicken; to concentrate (par évaporation); to evaporate down; to thicken; to boil down (par ébullition); to overheat; by evaporation (par évaporation); to concentrate by evaporation; to compress; to narrow; to boil up (par ébullition); to improve; to strengthen; boil down
coal. to concentrate; enrich; upgrade
commun. focus
comp. pack
hi.energ. focuse
concentrés v
anim.husb. feed concentrate
concentré adj.
bev. beverage base
chem. concentrate; short; oil paste
food.ind. retentate
health. concentrated
met. heading
concentrés adj.
anim.husb. concentrates
met. concentrates chem.
concentre adj.
fish.farm. fish protein concentrate fpc
concentre acide adj.
IT, chem. glacial
concentrés nutritionnels et compléments nutritionnels non médicaux à base d' herbes , aliments à
: 1 phrase in 1 subject