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gen. drill rod; drill steel
coal. dirt parting
industr. construct. filling band; barre
life.sc. longshore drift
life.sc. coal. interseam sediments; parting
tech. coal. dirt band
transp. nautic. fish.farm. rudder tiller
| en
med. to
| fer
econ. iron
| ou
comp. OR
| en
med. to
| acier
econ. steel
laminées | ou
comp. OR
filées | à
gen. per
| chaud
tech. hot
| ou
comp. OR
| forgées
cycl. forged
- only individual words found

noun | noun | verb | to phrases
barre m
gen. bar (du tribunal)
med. flat; rolled bar
met. cast strand; strand
tech., coal. shale band
barre f
gen. drill rod; drill steel; bar line (de mesure)
chem. rail; stick
coal. dirt parting
construct. mark; trace; line; round steel; lath; plank; bolt; squared timber; rectangular timber; square-sawn timber
el.mot. half-coil
geogr. bar (banc de sable); bore (à l'éstuaire); race (houle); ridge (crête de montagne)
gymn. gymnastic wand
industr., construct. filling band; barre
kayak. steering yoke
life.sc. longshore drift
life.sc., coal. interseam sediments; parting
ling. stroke
mach.mech. cutter jib; cutter bar
met. ingot; piece to be rolled
pack. batten; cleat; ledge
row. rudder
tech., coal. dirt band
transp., nautic., fish.farm. rudder tiller
weightlift. weight
barré f
industr., construct. barré
phonol. barred
barre v
agric. farrowing rail
chem., el. searcher bar
commun., el. flagpole
construct. member
econ. bar
hobby crossbar
life.sc., coal. dirtband
met. billet
min.prod., tech. tiller
nat.res., agric. farrowing rails
nucl.phys. rod
tech., met. rod and bar
barrer v
agric. dam up
commun. to "blue pencil"; cross out; use the blue pencil
comp. strike through; strike out; expunge
equest.sp. bar
patents. to cancel
barré v
comp., MS strikethrough (Pertaining to a formatting style in which characters are crossed out by horizontal line)
industr., construct. barry
IT, dat.proc. strikeover
IT, tech. strikethrough
barres v
met. bars and rods
barras v
chem. barras resin
barres en fer ou en acier, laminées ou
: 1 phrase in 1 subject