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ASPR abbr.
abbr. American Society of Physical Research; Anonymised Single Patient Reports (http://www.mhra.gov.uk/Safetyinformation/Reportingsafetyproblems/Medicines/Reportingsuspectedadversedrugreactions/InformationforthePharmaceuticalIndustry/AnonymisedSinglePatientReports/index.htm Elmitera); Army Services Procurement Regulations; Average Specific Polymerization Rate
abbr., avia. assigned secondary point rating; assigned SPR; American Society for Physical Research; automated software problem report
abbr., gov. Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (iwona)
abbr., med. Association Of Staff Physician Recruiters; The Australasian Society For Psychiatric Research
abbr., mil. Armed Services Procurement Regulation; Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (DHHS)
abbr., mil., avia. Air Supply and Procurement Regulation
abbr., qual.cont. Armed Services Procurement Regulations