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gen. brick bond; structure; texture
comp., MS device
construct. pattern bond; stone bond
econ. med. appliance
IT device
mech.eng. fixture; set
| pour
patents. with regard to
| l
tech. Length
| enregistrement
IT record
| et
comp. AND
| la
econ. milk
| reproduction du son
 reproduction du son
el. sound reproduction
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| images
commun. el. video data
| et
comp. AND
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| données
law foundation fact
- only individual words found

to phrases
appareil m
gen. brick bond; structure; texture; telephone (téléphonique)
chem. absorption apparatus; equipment; utensil; instrument
comp., MS device (A handheld portable telephone that operates through a radio network)
construct. pattern bond; stone bond; bonding; plant; unit; installation
econ., med. appliance; assistive device; assistive product; disability aid
gymn. gymnastic apparatus
hobby, cultur. camera; still camera
IT device
mech.eng. fixture; set
med. apparatus
nucl.phys., med. X-ray equipment (à rayons X); X-ray apparatus (à rayons X); Röntgen apparatus (à rayons X); X-ray machine (à rayons X)
Appareils m
comp., MS Devices (The link to the website where customers add computers (both PCs and Macs), mobile phones, and digital photo frames so they can access their synced folders and connect remotely to their devices)
appareils ... enregistreurs de présence, horodateurs, contrôleurs de rondes, minutiers, compteurs de secondes, etc. m
gen. apparatus ... including apparatus for measuring, recording or otherwise indicating intervals of time
appareils pour l 'enregistrement et la reproduction du son, des images et des
: 11 phrases in 1 subject