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Réunion ad hoc
 Réunion ad hoc
gen. Ad-hoc meeting
| d
commun. IT D-star
astr. diffuse luminous surface
gen. height of reserve layer
fin. 1 penny; 4 farthings
| experts
arts. expert
| sur
health. safe
| l
tech. Length
| évaluation externe
 évaluation externe
mater.sc. external assessment
du CGPM CAQ | et
comp. AND
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| ses
agric. bran
| réseaux
tech. network

to phrases
réunions ad hoc
gen. meetings organized on an ad hoc basis
Réunion ad hoc
gen. Ad-hoc meeting
Réunion ad hoc: 27 phrases in 4 subjects
Name of organization21
Social science1