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fin. President
gen. chairman; chairwoman; president; Chairman; Chairman of the Committee of the Regions; CoR President
fin. chairman
law President
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| l'Assemblée
gen. the National Assembly
| générale
arts. general
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| Nations unies
 Nations Unies
IMF. United Nations
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
président m
gen. gavel holder
fin. managing director
law Chief Judge
Président m
polit. the President CJ
présider v
patents. preside
président adj.
gen. Chairman; Chairman of the Committee of the Regions; CoR President; President of the Committee of the Regions
econ., lab.law. chief operating officer
EU. Vice-President
fin. chairman
law President; chairperson; chairwoman
polit. president
UN president SC
Président adj.
gen. Chairman
EU. President (of the Commission; of the European Council)
fin. President
IMF. chair IMF Governance
présidente adj.
gen. chairman; chairwoman; president
Président de la BEI adj.
fin. President of the EIB
président de la BERD adj.
fin. President of the EBRD
président du comité du système harmonisé adj.
fin., polit. chairman of the Harmonised System Committee
Président du Comité des gouverneurs des banques centrales des Etats membres de la CEE adj.
fin. Chairman of the Committee of Governors of the Central Banks of the EEC
présidente adj.
insur. President (presidenta)
président du Conseil international du sucre adj.
interntl.trade. Chairman of the International Sugar Council
Président de l
: 110 phrases in 18 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Human rights activism1
Immigration and citizenship1
International Monetary Fund2
International trade1
Sugar production1
Textile industry1
United Nations3