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chem. engl. mica
food.ind. potassium aluminium silicate
| y compris
 y compris
gen. including; inclusive; included
| le
fin. tech. about
| mica
chem. engl. mica
| clivé
gram. cleft
| en
med. to
| lamelles
gen. lath
| irrégulières
bot. irregular
| et
comp. AND
| les
law adversely affected
| déchets de mica
 déchet de mica
tech. chem. scrap of mica
- only individual words found

to phrases
mica m
chem., engl. mica
food.ind. potassium aluminium silicate
met. isinglass stone; specular stone; daze
Mica, y compris le mica clivé en lamelles: 2 phrases in 1 subject