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econ. fund
fin. fund
health. funding
IMF. money
libr. back list; backlist; inventory
patents. goodwill; business; investment
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| financement
econ. financing
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| la
econ. milk
| réparation
gen. repair
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| dégâts
polit. damage
| causés
patents. reason
| par
nat.sc. agric. red pandora
| la
econ. milk
| marée noire
 marée noire
nat.res. oil contamination
| en Méditerranée
 en Méditerranée
gen. in the Mediterranean
| orientale
tech. Eastern
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
fond m
gen. bottom panel; under side
agric., industr., construct. head; heading
commun., industr. background printing
commun., mech.eng. back panel
cultur. back-cloth
industr., construct. foundation lace
life.sc. channel bed; bottom of the sea; channel bottom; sea bed; stream bed; stream bottom; streambed
tech., mech.eng. cap end
tech., met. back surface; opposite plain
transp. bottom plating; planking; truck bed
fonds m
gen. holdings (stock; A specific collection or a part of one); bookstock
agric. pool
construct. premises; property; plot; curtilage; yard
econ. fund EU (UE)
environ., agric. soil
fin. fund
health. funding
IMF. money
insur. funds
life.sc. bottom sediment
patents. goodwill; business; investment
UN, econ. proceeds from loan or bond
fonds Ensemble des publications d'un éditeur m
libr. back list; backlist; inventory
fond v
gen. bottom-board
antenn. face-plate
athlet. long distance
book.bind. sewing guard
chem. ground; sole; subsoil; undercoat; soil; tray; motive
commun. solid
comp. foil (of a screen)
construct. invert; earth
industr., construct. back; bottom
industr., construct., met. base; punt
IT, dat.proc. underground
law, relig., social.sc. merits
med. fundus
mun.plan. background; floor; stock
pack. base colour; ground colour; background colour; foundation; base plate; bottom end
patents. reason; basis; substance of the case
polit., law substance
tech., chem. primer
telecom. mounting base (de montage); backplane; back cover
textile backing; backing yarn; base yarn; core yarn
transp. bottom of hull; crown
fonds v
agric. bottom; object leased
commun. gutter
econ. fund (EU, UE)
IT, tech. stock
stat., demogr. estate
fondre v
chem. melt; to smelt; to melt; to fuse; to thaw; to seal; to alloy; to melt away; to cast; to pour; to mould
commun. fade; cast
fat.oil. render
hockey. thaw
IT, tech. coalesce
med. burn out
met. to flash off; to melt off; smelt; to found
transp. melt down
fond de rayonnement γ v
радиоакт. gamma background; γ-background; gamma-ray background; γ-ray background
fond β v
радиоакт. beta background; β background
fondis v
coal. subsidence
fonds de terre v
law messuage
 French thesaurus
Fondre abbr.
abbr., mil. fondrière
Fonds de financement de la réparation des dégâts causés par la
: 1 phrase in 1 subject