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org.name. Aquaculture Officer; Treasury Officer
gen. government employee
corp.gov. staff members
econ. civil servant
gov. official
law public officer
polit. civil servant
UN gen. staff member
| aux
forestr. missanda
| affaires
law business concern
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| l'Assemblée
gen. the National Assembly
- only individual words found

to phrases
fonctionnaire m
gen. government employee
corp.gov. staff members
econ. civil servant
gov. official
law public officer
polit. civil servant Public administration employee. Do not confuse with PUBLIC SERVANT which is used for an employee of the PUBLIC SERVICE
UN staff member
fonctionnaires m
corp.gov. staff members; staff member
Fonctionnaire trésorerie m
org.name. Treasury Officer
Fonctionnaire aquaculture m
org.name. Aquaculture Officer
Fonctionnaire aux affaires de l
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
United Nations1