
   French English
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comp., MS item package
comp., MS Canada kit
construct. interconnecting building
IT set
math. ensemble; universe; statistical universe; population
tech. package; program package
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| opérations
tech. project
| destinées à
 destiné à ...
gen. designed to ...
| faciliter
comp., MS foster
| l
tech. Length
| exécution
law market. distraint
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| déplacements
tech. displacement
| et
comp. AND
| à
gen. per
| apporter
comp. bring
toute | aide
comp., MS Help Central
| éventuelle
ling. potential
| aux
forestr. missanda
| usagers
IT user
| Il
polit. loc.name. Illinois
découle du | plan de circulation
 plan de circulation
transp. traffic flow plan
| et
comp. AND
| se
agric. bran
| traduit
arts. translated
| par
nat.sc. agric. red pandora
| la
econ. milk
| mise en place
 mise en place
forestr. transplanting
| sur
health. safe
| les
law adversely affected
| itinéraires
arts. travel guide
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| personnels
econ. staff
| et
comp. AND
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| matériels
fin. machinery
| postes fixes
 poste fixe
transp. energ.ind. fixed apron facilities
| et
comp. AND
| patrouilles
forestr. patrol unit
| d
commun. IT D-star
| unités
gen. base for calculation
| de circulation
 de circulation
chem. traffic...
| éléments de sûreté
 élément de sûreté
commun. security element
| terrestre
gen. terrestrial
| et
comp. AND
| aérienne
tech. aerial
| moyens de transmissions
 moyen de transmission
el. transmission medium
| et
comp. AND
du | génie
polit. Engineering
| moyens logistiques
 moyens logistiques
mil. logist. logistic assets
| signalisation
econ. traffic signs
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
ensemble m
gen. kit
agric. parent population
comp., MS item package (Several different items and quantities ordered from a supplier as one lot); set (A grouping of dimension members or items from a data source that are named and treated as a single unit and can be referenced or reused multiple times); together (" A panel label in the People hub for the section of the hub where people can go to see the a list of the Rooms and/or Groups that they have created. In this context, this is where the user can go to be "together with" the specific people or groups of people that are important to them.")
comp., MS, Canada kit (A single item with an item number that consists of one or more component items from inventory or a product catalog)
construct. interconnecting building; entity; group; complex
el. DAB ensemble
IT set
ling. class
mach.mech. aggregate; block; pulley
math. ensemble; universe; statistical universe; population
patents. whole; totality; total
tech. package; program package; bundle
tech., mech.eng. assembly; complete installation
telecom. assembly (PCB, CI)
transp. unit; subgroup main units composing a car
work.fl. cluster; thematic cluster
ensemble Emballage qui regroupe plusieurs livres assortis ou constituant une série et qui ne peut être fractionné pour la vente m
libr. book pack; book set; pack
ensemble d'appareillage de connexion et de commande m
PSP enclosed assembly of switchgear and controlgear; factory-built assembly of switchgear and controlgear
ensemble statistique m
stat. statistical population
Ensemble m
gen. Together
ensemble n. m
stat. aggregate n.
 French thesaurus
ensemble m
mil., logist. Dans le domaine de la logistique, élément faisant partie d'un matériel, pouvant être fourni et remplacé comme un tout et comprenant normalement des pièces ou groupes de pièces remplaçables. (FRA)
Ensemble des opérations: 2 phrases in 2 subjects