
   French English
Google | Forvo | +
agric. estate; manor
comp., MS realm
el. magnetic domain
IT extent
med. domain
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| la
econ. milk
| fonction opérationnelle
 fonction opérationnelle
IT operational function
| soutien logistique
 soutien logistique
fin. backstopping
dont | la
econ. milk
| mission
tech. mission
| consiste à
 consister à
chem. to consist in
| fournir
arts. furnish
| les
law adversely affected
| moyens
arts. moderate
| et
comp. AND
| les
law adversely affected
| services administratifs et financiers
 Services administratifs et financiers
UN Administrative and Financial Services
| nécessaires
gen. kit
| au
geogr. Au
| maintien
industr. construct. stability
dans | la
econ. milk
| durée
comp., MS duration
| et
comp. AND
| en
med. to
toutes | circonstances
law circumstances
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| la
econ. milk
| capacité opérationnelle
 capacité opérationnelle
forestr. preparedness
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| unités
gen. base for calculation
tout | en
med. to
| prenant en charge
 prendre en charge
IT support a functional unit
| les
law adversely affected
| intérêts individuels
 intérêt individuel
law individual interest
| et
comp. AND
| collectifs
ling. collective
| Ce
polit. EC
| domaine
comp., MS realm
| comprend
patents. contain
| les
law adversely affected
| composantes
h.rghts.act. component part
| fonctionnelles
math. functional
| suivantes
agric. retinue
1 | administration générale
 administration générale
law general administration
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| forces
agric. sheep shear
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
domaine m
agric. estate; manor
comp. zone; area; domain (the name and type of Internet site)
comp., MS realm (A set of security principles, in a non-Windows networked environment, that are subject to Kerberos authentication); intellectual genre (A classification that describes the nature of content, e.g. sermon, interview, etc., rather than the content itself)
comp., MS, Canada domain (In the Internet and other networks, the highest subdivision of a domain name in a network address, which identifies the type of entity owning the address (for example, .com for commercial users or .edu for educational institutions) or the geographical location of the address (for example, .fr for France or .sg for Singapore). The domain is the last part of the address (for example, www.acm.org))
el. magnetic domain
IT extent; category; protection domain
med. domain
patents. sphere; territory
relig. subject area; subject field
tech. field; range; field of knowledge; subject
work.fl. scope
domaine informatique m
tech. domain; field
domaines m
UN fields
domaine parcelle m
tech. estate
 French thesaurus
domaine m
comp., MS Realm
Domaine de la fonction: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Name of organization2