
   French English
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construct. certificate; report
hi.energ. event; elementary event; elementary act
law legal act; legal transaction
patents. procedural step; action
polit. act
| portant
nat.sc. agric. in-calf
| révision
arts. revision
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| l
tech. Length
| article
IT item
63 | de
earth.sc. Dec
| la Convention
 la Convention
gen. the French National Convention
| sur
health. safe
| la
econ. milk
| délivrance
law delivery
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| brevets européens
 brevet européen
econ. European patent
du 5
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
acte m
construct. certificate; report
hi.energ. event; elementary event; elementary act
law legal act; legal transaction
patents. procedural step; action
polit. act legislation (législation)
actes m
fin. legal formalities (for creation of a company, accompli pour le compte d'une société en formation)
acte v
gen. measure; record of proceedings; step; writ
arts. act
econ. rule
law instrument; deed; document; record; mortgagee's deed; deed of grant; deed of conveyance; deed of transfer; instrument in writing; declaration of intention
polit. act (legislation, législation)
actions v
gen. equity
acter v
gen. to publish officially; to record a consensus
actions v
fin., amer. stocks
fin., BrE shares
actes v
law proceedings; acts
actant v
social.sc. dependent; satellite
 French thesaurus
ACTA abbr.
abbr. Association De Coordination Technique Agricole
Acte portant révision de l' article 63 de la Convention sur la délivrance de brevets européens du 5: 1 phrase in 1 subject