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intelligence [ɪn'telɪʤ(ə)ns] n
gen. розум m; інтелект (розумові здібності); розумові здібності; кмітливість; тямучість; вісті; відомості; інформація f; повідомлення n; стосунки m; зв'язки; агентурні відомості; вість; осмисленість; проникливість; тяма; ум; інтелігентність
avia. розвідувальна служба
IT вмонтовані обчислювальні засоби; розвинена логіка; розвинені логічні можливості; розвинені логічні функції; рівень інтелекту (інтелектуальної системи); тямущість; інтелект
law розвідка (service); шпигунство n (розвідка тж)
law.enf. оперативно-розшуковий (4uzhoj)
mil. розвідувальні дані (Int., INTEL, INT, продукт розвідки, що є результатом спрямованого збору та обробки інформації / необроблені дані - факти; інформація - поєднання даних; дані розвідки - об'єднання інформації для прийняття рішень); розвідка (Int., INTEL, INT); розвідувальна інформація; матеріал розвідки; розумовий; добування розвідувальних даних (Int., INTEL, INT)
intelligence [ɪn'telɪʤ(ə)ns] adj.
gen. розвідувальний
 English thesaurus
intelligence [ɪn'telɪʤ(ə)ns] n
mil., logist. Result of the exploitation of information concerning the foreign nations, the enemy armed forces or being able to future, zones where operations are effectively led or could be it; term applies also to the activities of elaboration of the information and to the bodies which dedicate themselves to it. Strategic: information necessary for the elaboration of the line of conduct and the military plans for the national and international rung; Operational: information necessary for the economic planning and for the behaviour of campaigns of the level operational level. 6-Tactics: information necessary for the establishment of plans and for the behaviour of tactical operations. FRA The activity which results in the above product. (UKR/NATO); Information of a military nature and the process by which it is obtained and transmitted. Intelligence includes information on: the military doctrine and defence industry resources of the state; the development of the armed forces and their combat readiness; the strength, composition and state of the forces, their combat potential, their modes of conducting combat operations; their mobilizable resources; the quantity and quality of armaments and equipment as well as the prospects for their development; the level of military art and the lines along which it is developing, etc. Intelligence may be obtained from the following sources: superior and subordinate commanders and military command and control organizations; reconnaissance forces and intelligence-gathering resources of all types; the local population; the military command and control organizations of adjacent and other cooperating forces; prisoners and defectors; military documents, weapons and equipment captured from the enemy; manuals, maps, observations and other sources. Intelligence may be classified in terms of credibility as reliable, probably reliable, doubtful and false. It may also be classed by significance as highly significant, significant or average, and by content as high priority, urgent or routine. (UKR/NATO); The product resulting from the processing of information concerning foreign nations, hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential operations. (UKR/NATO)
mil., USA the product resulting from the collection, processing, integration, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign nations, hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential operations; the activities that result in the product; the organizations engaged in such activities
: 852 phrases in 24 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Artificial intelligence1
Information security and data protection1
Information technology9
Intelligence and security services1
Law enforcement7