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law present constitution
gen. available; effective; efficacious; executory; in force; true
comp., MS current
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чинний adj.
gen. available; effective; efficacious; executory; in force; true; unrepealed (про закон тощо); in good standing (у значенні "не прострочений" – про ліцензію, членство (тобто, наприклад, вчасно сплачено членські внески) тощо: University degree in counselling, social work, psychology or psychiatry, with current valid certification in good standing is required 4uzhoj)
comp., MS current (Pertaining to an account status indicating that payments are up-to-date)
dipl. in force (про документ, договір тощо)
IT alive; operational; operative; valid
law effectual; valid (про документ); active; c; continuing; current; efficient; existing; going; in effect (тж в постпозиції); live; living; opposable (стосовно чогось); operable; operating; standing; unexpired; working; acting; actual; effective (який має законну силу – про договір, закон тощо); in force (тж в постпозиції)
law, context. in good standing and having full capacity to transact business (про стан юридичної особи – у тому сенсі, що вона не має заборгованості з подання звітності та т. інш., щодо неї не ініційовано жодних процедур тощо. Не варто плутати з "duly incorporated" (чинний у значенні "зареєстрований належним чином/у встановленому порядку"): А business entity which is either registered with or chartered by a government agency is said to be in good standing if it has filed and continued to file all appropriate paperwork with the government agency which provides its charter, and has paid all fees which are due for its charter or the renewal thereof. Note that being in good standing simply means the entity has kept all paperwork related to its charter and yearly renewal up to date and that all fees have been paid. It is possible for a corporation to be simultaneously, say, in bankruptcy or delinquent on its taxes, but as long as the paperwork and fees are current with the chartering authority, the entity will still be in "good standing." 4uzhoj)
logist. validated
чинна adj.
law present constitution
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