
   Ukrainian English
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gen. business; communion; intelligence; intelligency; intercourse; life
amer. contacts
comp., MS person relationship
fr. rapport
inf. hook-up
| у справах
 у справі
gen. on business
міжнародної | безпеки
comp., MS security
- only individual words found

to phrases
стосунки n
gen. business (з кимсь); communion; intelligence; intelligency; intercourse; life (людей); relations; relationship; terms; truck; dealings
amer. contacts
comp., MS person relationship (In the Business Network feature in CRM, the connection that a person has to another person, whether explicit, where the relationship is defined, or implicit, where the people may have had contact, but the relationship is not defined)
dipl. life; relation
fr. rapport
inf. hook-up
IT intercommunication; interrelation; interrelationship; liaison
law relations (зв'язки між)
mil. communications; intercourse (міжнародні, суспільні тощо)
стосунок n
gen. concern
law relation; relationship; relevance; respect
стосунки у справах: 1 phrase in 1 subject