
   Ukrainian English
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comp., MS Show Time As
avia. condition
comp., MS status
dipl. plight
math. score
mil. fix; status
O&G aspect; attitude
comp., MS rebinding state
афективно вольової | сфери
gen. ambit
- only individual words found

noun | noun | to phrases
стан m
gen. angle; camp; condition; estate; fettle; fig; form; look; plight (звичайно важкий); position; posture; shape; state; stature; status; tenor; waist; way; figure (фігура)
dipl. desperate condition
econ. plight; situation; substance; way (справ)
fin. environment; pattern; standing
gram. voice; VII ч; camp (табір); stave (нотний); VI ч
IT health; mode
tech. mill
Стан m
names Stan (Stanley, чоловіче ім'я)
енергетичний стан m
microel. state
стан n
avia. condition
comp., MS status (The condition of a user that can be displayed to the user's contacts to communicate whether the user is currently online and available, offline and unavailable, and so on)
dipl. plight (звич. поганий)
math. score
mil. fix; status (справ)
O&G aspect; attitude; location
Стан n
comp., MS Show Time As (The field name for the confirmation status used to categorize how firmly a service activity has been scheduled. The options include Requested, Tending, Pending, Reserved, In Progress, and Arrived); State (On the Business Rules editor dialog box, the column that lists whether a business rule is activated or deactivated)
π*-стан n
chem. π*-state
comp., MS rebinding state (A state used by DHCP clients to extend and renew their address lease when the current lease is close to expiring. In this state, the client broadcasts to the network to locate any DHCP server that can either renew or replace its currently leased configuration. The rebinding state begins when 87.5 percent of the client`s lease time has elapsed)
стани афективно
: 1 phrase in 1 subject