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comp., MS server
 сервер Exchange
comp., MS Exchange server
 сервер ILS
comp., MS ILS server
 сервер Microsoft iSNS
comp., MS Microsoft iSNS Server
 сервер NAS
comp., MS NAS
comp., MS DHCP server
comp., MS DNS server
comp., MS DPS Database
comp., MS HTTP server
comp., MS MCS
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сервер n
comp. server (спеціалізована станція, спецпроцесор)
comp., MS server (A computer that provides shared resources, such as files or printers, to network users)
IT site; back-end; backend; server
telecom. Server (1. вузол мережі, що надає в колективне користування свої диски, а також периферійні пристрої, наприклад принтери і модеми. Крім того, на ньому можуть виконуватися програми, які розраховані на багатьох користувачів 2. частина розподіленої програми, що виконує запити клієнтської частини)
abbr. front-end сервер n
IT back-end; backend
DPS-сервер n
comp., MS DPS Database (The SQL Server database that stores DPM settings and configuration information)
сервер Microsoft iSNS n
comp., MS Microsoft iSNS Server (A Microsoft implementation of the Internet Storage Name Service)
DHCP-сервер n
comp., MS DHCP server (A computer running the Microsoft DHCP service that offers dynamic configuration of IP addresses and related information to DHCP-enabled clients)
сервер ILS n
comp., MS ILS server (A computer that lists the names and e-mail addresses of people who are running NetMeeting and who are logged on to the server. This information is used to connect to their computers)
сервер Multi-Factor Authentication n
comp., MS Multi-Factor Authentication Server (A software application that an administrator can use to configure Multi-Factor Authentication functionality)
сервер OLE n
comp., MS OLE server (An application or DLL that supplies a linked or embedded OLE object to another application. For example, if an OLE object in an Access database contains a Microsoft Excel worksheet, Excel is the OLE server)
сервер Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication n
comp., MS Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server (A software application that an administrator can use to configure Multi-Factor Authentication functionality)
HTTP-сервер n
comp., MS HTTP server (A server computer that hosts Web pages and responds to requests from browsers)
сервер NAS n
comp., MS NAS (The device that accepts Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections and places clients on the network that the NAS serves)
NFS-сервер n
comp., MS NFS server (A computer providing Network File System (NFS) disk resources to NFS clients)
сервер Exchange n
comp., MS Exchange server (A server that has Microsoft Exchange Server installed)
DNS-сервер n
comp., MS DNS server (A server that maintains information about a portion of the DNS database and that responds to and resolves DNS queries)
MCS-сервер n
comp., MS MCS (A service that manages zero or more multicast groups and distributes multicast data sent to it by clients of those multicast groups through point-to-multipoint connections)
сервер NPS n
comp., MS NPS (The Microsoft implementation of a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server and proxy. In the NAP architecture, the NPS server includes the NAP administration server and the system health validator (SHV) components)
VPN-сервер n
comp., MS VPN server (A computer that accepts virtual private network (VPN) connections from VPN clients. A VPN server can provide a remote access VPN connection or a router-to-router VPN connection)
сервер бази
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects