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comp., MS Rows
IT line-by-line
gen. line; rig
agric. row
comp., MS row; string
IT flushed right line; leg; string
| на
gen. towards
- only individual words found

to phrases
рядок n
gen. line; rig (посіву)
agric. row
comp. line (програми, тексту, екрану дисплея); row (матриці чи багатовимірного масиву)
comp., MS row (The horizontal arrangement of cells in a table or spreadsheet); string (A group of characters or character bytes handled as a single entity. Computer programs use strings to store and transmit data and commands. Most programming languages consider strings (such as 2674:gstmn) as distinct from numeric values (such as 470924))
IT flushed right line; leg; string; vector
mil. stitching
TV line (зображення)
рядками n
IT line-by-line
Рядки n
comp., MS Rows (An area in the layout section of a PivotTable field list to which fields can be added in order to display them as rows on the side of the report)
рядок на
: 18 phrases in 5 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Information technology8