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to phrases
покласти край
gen. cease (чомусь); put an end to; put the lid on; draw the line (чомусь); liquidate; nip; paragraph (чомусь); put a period to (smth., чомусь); put paid to; solve; sopite; suppress; terminate; make an end (of); put an end (to); put one's foot down
dipl. bring smth. to a stop (чомусь); draw a line (чомусь); put smth. to a stop (чомусь); set a limit to (smth., чомусь)
fig. epilogize (чомусь)
IT to set the limit; place the limit; set the limit
poetic embound
theatre. ring down the curtain (чомусь)
покласти край
: 16 phrases in 2 subjects