
   Ukrainian English
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gen. communication; duplication; iteration; recurrence; reduplication; rehearsal
comp., MS Recurrence
math. repetition
| тих
names Tim
| самих
gen. the very
| скарг
gen. complaint
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to phrases
повторення n
gen. communication (хвороби тощо); duplication; iteration; recurrence (періодичне повертання); reduplication; rehearsal; reiteration (слів); relapse; renewal; repeat
comp., MS Recurrence (An option that allows the user to specify the intervals at which an appointment or task will be repeated)
econ. recurrence
IT replication; retry
math. repetition
school.sl., inf. rep (repetition)
tech. doubling (операції)
повторення тих
: 1 phrase in 1 subject