
   Ukrainian English
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gen. scoundrel; worst character; worst egg; worst hat; worst lot; worst penny
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gen. on the hush
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gen. scoundrel (Yanamahan); worst character; worst egg; worst hat; worst lot; worst penny; worst sort; blackguard; cad; cullion; felon; gallows; bad hat; limmer; loon; mean-spirited fellow; miscreant; niddering; rascal; rascally fellow; reprobate; rogue; ruffian; scab; scamp; scum; sneak; squalid rascal; varlet; villain; wretch; knave
amer. pimp
amer., rude weenie
derog. dog
germ. schelm
inf. a bad apple; bounder; coyote; filth; gallows-bird; heel; hempseed; skellum; skunk; slip-string; spalpeen; sweep; thief; wrong'un
law baddy (особл. у фільмах або книжках); bleeder
obs. scroyle
poetic caitiff
rude hound
негідник, що
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects