
   Ukrainian English
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gen. blackguard; callet; curse; damn; dang; darn
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gen. towards
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лаяти v
gen. abuse; betongue; blast; blow up; bullyrag; chapter; chide; come down on; come down upon; flay; inveigh; pepper; pitch on; rag; rail (at, against); rate; read the Riot Act (когось); reproach; revile; ride; scold; scorch; slang; strafe; talk to; throw up; tongue; dress one down; give one beans sl; upbraid (with, for); vituperate
amer. berate
amer., inf. score
dial. miscall
fig. whip
inf. comb; haze; jump; slangwhang; threap; trim; walk into
law abuse names (когось); call names
mil. swear (когось at)
sport. pick up
лаятися v
gen. blackguard; callet; curse; damn; dang; darn; use gross language; make the air blue; utter profanities; quarrel (сваритися); rail; rap; revile; scold; storm; swear; inveigh; use bad language
inf. argle; flite; slang; slangwhang; use language; yap
IT barf (висловлювати незадоволення діями користувача)
лаятися на: 16 phrases in 2 subjects