
   Ukrainian English
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gen. malevolent; worst; bad-tempered; baleful; bitter; black
| сховок
gen. housing
| й
gen. and
| найліпшого
gen. the best
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noun | adjective | to phrases
злий m
proverb as cross as a bear; as cross as sulky as a bear; as cross as two sticks
злий adj.
gen. malevolent (InnaKr); worst; bad-tempered; baleful; bitter; black; blackhearted; carping; evil (згубний); evil-minded; fierce; gallows; ill; ill-conditioned; ill-disposed; ill-natured; impish; iron; malicious; malign; malignant; porky; puckish; scathing; snappish (про собаку); snappy (про собаку); stepmotherly; unkind; unnatural; vicious; wicked; angry (сердитий)
amer. porkey
inf. cross; ear-sore; patchy; ratty; rusty; scotty; snooty; snotty
law wicked; wilful
uncom. mischievous
зла adj.
gen. scratchy (про жінку)
злий сховок й найліпшого
: 2 phrases in 1 subject