
   Ukrainian English
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gen. wealth; abundance; affluence; bags; capital; copiousness
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gen. ab-
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inf. pal
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to phrases
багатство n
gen. wealth (Siris); abundance (велика кількість); affluence; bags; capital; copiousness; deep pocket; the dollars; exuberance; exuberancy; fertileness (фантазії тощо); fertility (фантазії тощо); the flesh-pots of Egypt; fortune; lavishness; luxuriance (уяви тощо); luxuriancy (уяви тощо); mammon; means; money-bags; opulence; pelf; profusion; purse; a long purse; a fat purse; a heavy purse; riches; richness (пишність); thrift; treasure; weal; worth; gorgeousness; resplendence; asset (gov.ua, gov.ua bojana)
amer., inf. wad
busin. estate
EU. prosperity
fig. pocket
inf. L.s.d. (librae, solidi, denarii); oof; pile
law substance; gold; fortune (статок тж); riches (майно)
mil., slang tin
scottish graith
багатства n
gen. gold
coll. wealth
багатство та
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects