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Stau m m -(e)s, -s
gen. accumulation; congestion; jam; pile-up; traffic congestion; traffic jam
commun. congestion (data)
construct. diversion structure; diversion work; headworks; reservoir; storage
transp. tailback (bes. auf Autobahn); hold-up; obstruction
Staus m
gen. jams; traffic jams
stauen v
gen. dam; jam; staunch
chem. congest; stop; build up; stowaway (verstauen)
construct. dike; crowd; obstruct; retain (Wasser)
econ. mass; stevedore
emerg.care dam up; stanch; staunch
hydrogr. impound
med. to dam; to congest; to stagnate
tech. accumulate; dam up; pile up; stow; trim
Stau v
gen. stasis
construct. man-made lake; backwater
hydrogr. damming up; impoundment (von Wasser)
nat.res. impoundage; impoundment (by a dam)
phys. stagnation
transp. traffic snarl-up
Stauen v
agric. stowing
railw. stuffing
tech. stowage
transp. stevedoring
stauen Verkehr v
gen. back up
staut v
gen. dams
Ladung stauen v
construct. stow (im Laderaum des Schiffes)
im Schiffraum stauen v
econ. stow
 German thesaurus
Stau m m -(e)s, -s
aerodyn. Staustrahltriebwerk
: 21 phrases in 8 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2