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noun | verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
Verschieben n
busin., IT dragging
microel. shift
verschieben n
busin., IT drag
Verschieben v
gen. relocating
verschieben v
gen. traffic (illegale Waren); defer (Termin); displace; move; offset; postpone (to); relocate; suspend; switch
construct. defer; misalign
econ. defer (to auf); remit
econ., amer. table
law, ADR hold over
microel. index (z. B. Spannung); move (Daten); offset (z. B. Spannung); translate (parallel zu sich selbst)
opt. slide
tech. delay; displacement; moving; panning; remove; scrolling; shifting; shunt; traversing
verschiebend v
gen. deferring; displacing; postponing; relocating; shunting; suspending; switching
verschiebt v
gen. defers; displaces; postpones; puts off
Verschieben eines Zuges v
gen. shunt; shunting
den Bildschirminhalt verschieben v
gen. scroll
Verschieben des Fensterinhalts v
gen. panning
verschieben Waren v
gen. black-market; sell illicitly
den Fensterinhalt verschieben v
gen. pan
ungewollt verschieben v
construct. misalign
Verschieben adj.
comp. pan
IT translating
transp. shunting
verschieben adj.
gen. postpone
chem. to displace
comp. circulate; rotate; revolve
comp., MS move (To transfer a file from one location to another. After the file is transferred, there is only one copy of the file, in the new location); relocate (To move programs and blocks of memory about within available space so as to use memory resources flexibly and efficiently. A relocatable program can be loaded by the operating system into any part of available memory rather than into only one specific area. A relocatable block of memory is a portion of memory that can be moved around by the operating system as required; for example, the system might collect several available, relocatable blocks of memory to form one larger block of the size requested for use by a program); shift (In programming, to move the bit values one position to the left or right in a register or memory location)
construct. dislocate; dislodge
econ. hold over (z.B. Entscheidung); put off
IT transport
life.sc. faulting
mech.eng. change the position; stagger
med. to shift
mining. heave
telecom. to relocate
zeitlich verschieben adj.
construct. put off
Verschiebe- adj.
econ. shunting
: 111 phrases in 22 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Artificial intelligence1
Earth sciences3
Information technology18
Life sciences1
Mechanic engineering2
Optics branch of physics23