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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
Vergehen n n -s, =
gen. delinquencies; delinquency; malfeasance; misdoing; trespass; offences; offenses
amer. misdemeanor; offense
brit. disdemeanour; offence
chem. violation (einer Vorschrift)
environ. wrongful act An act contrary to the rules of natural or legal justice
lab.law. minor offence
law misdemeanour; misdemeanor any minor offense with a lesser punishment than a felony
law, crim.law. major offence
law, environ. wrongful act
vergehen v
gen. go by; pass off; die away; vanish
econ. elapse (Frist, Zeit); pass
tech. elapse; pass by; wear off
vergeht v
gen. elapses
verging v
gen. elapsed
Vergehen adj.
econ. irregularity
law, environ. act of wrong-doing; wrong
vergehen adj.
construct. to moulder; to fall in decay
econ. roll (Zeit, Jahreszeit)
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