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Riegel m m -s, =
gen. bar (e.g. of chocolate); bolt; bolts; latch; cross bar; locking bar
build.struct. beam; girder; joist
chem. interlock; fail safe circuit
construct. horizontal girder; transverse girder; ranger; wale; waler; waling timber; mullion; bar, bolt, e.g.,footbolt, tower bolt; ledge of a door, door rail; clamp, counter batten (von Tür oder Laden); key (von Tür oder Laden); ledge (of a door, von Tür oder Laden); cross-bar; collar beam; straining beam; intertie (Dachstuhl); air-bound; clamp; flush bolt; latch bolt; ledger (beam); nogging piece; rail; ribband; runner (beam); shutter; slip bolt; transom
construct., amer. ranger амер.; waling
food.ind. bar (Schokoriegel etc.); candy bar (Schokoriegel etc.)
industr., construct. bartack; stud
mech.eng. plunger; catch; shot pin; spring plunger; stop pin
met. rock bar; girt; girth
mun.plan., construct. lintel
tech. lock; sliding bar; sliding bolt; horizontal member; key; trigger; bar; slide-valve
textile bar tacking; seam binding
Riegel- m
construct. girder; beam
: 69 phrases in 7 subjects
Earth sciences1
Power lines3