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footwear length
inf. lanky
gen. footage
comp., MS length; Type, Length, Value
IT dat.proc. extender
law, ADR cut
phys. longitude
tech. l; Length
| einer
gen. another
| Diagonale
gen. diagonal
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | noun | verb | pronoun | adjective | adverb | to phrases
Länge m f =, -n
comp., MS length (The distance or period of time between a specified start point and a specified end point. For example, the length of an audio or video clip is usually measured in minutes and seconds); Type, Length, Value (A method of organizing data that involves a Type code (16 bit), a specified length of a Value field (16 bit), and the data in the Value field (variable))
IT, dat.proc. extender
phys. longitude (as a coordinate)
tech. l; Length
Lange m
inf. lanky
Länge f f =, -n
gen. footage; len; length; tallness; extent; height
agric. lenght (of time)
astr. celestial longitude
construct. extension; expansion
econ. length (auch zeitlich); stretch
environ. longitude (geogr)
med. longitude
microel. length (z. B. Wortlänge)
mining. depth (eines Bohrlochs)
tech. duration
Länge Verslehre f
gen. long syllable
längen v
gen. elongate
construct. lengthen
tech. extend; stretch
langen v
tech. pass; reach; take
Längen v
gen. lengths; longitudes
längst pron.
gen. long ago
langer v
agric. pole; lath
langen ugs. : ausreichen v
gen. to be enough
längste v
gen. longest
lang adj.
gen. lang Scot.; lathy
busin. oblong
tech. tall
lange adj.
gen. a long time; for a long time
tech. long
Langer adj.
inf. lanky
Länge adv.
law, ADR cut (Stoff)
lange adv.
gen. long (e.g. a long time)
Lange adv.
footwear length (Fuß-, Leisten- (foot, last))
Länge einer
: 19 phrases in 9 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Information technology1
Optics branch of physics1