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noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
Klötze m
mater.sc., mech.eng., construct. bearers
Klotz m m -es, Klötze
gen. block; brick; chump; chunk; hulk; lump; log
opt. mallet; button
tech. bearer; pad
Klotzen m n -s
cultur., industr., construct. blocking
textile padding
ungehobelter Klotz verächtlich; Person m
amer. uncouth klutz
Klotz Baumstumpf m
gen. stump tree stump
Klötze f
gen. chumps; hulks; logs
handb. cleat; stud
mater.sc., mech.eng., construct. pallet-deck spacers
pack. bearers (Stücke zwischen Ober- und Unterfläche einer Palette); pallet-deck spacers (separating top and bottom decks of a pallet, Stücke zwischen Ober- und Unterfläche einer Palette)
Klotz f m -es, Klötze
agric., coal. crossbar
agric., industr., construct. flitch
forestr. bolt
industr., construct. flitch billet
Klotz adj.
ed. toybrick
forestr. billet
med. bloc; clump; mass; bulk
met. stock
mining. choak; plug
Klötze: 5 phrases in 5 subjects