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Grundriss m
gen. floor plan; ground plan; outline; horizontal projection; layout; groundplan
comp., MS floor plan (A drawing that shows the layout of individual rooms or entire floors of a building including the wall structure, building core, and electrical symbols. A type of building plan)
construct. trace; plan (view)
life.sc. ground view; plan
mater.sc. planform
tech. plan view
transp., nautic., fish.farm. half breadth plan; half-breadth plan
Grundriß m m ..sses, ..sse
archaeol. trace
chem. tracing
construct. plan, ground plan; ichnography; top view (Zeichnung)
econ. compendium; plot; scheme
mater.sc. plan
mining. layout; plat; platt
opt. plan view; planimetry
tech. building-plan; floor plan; ground plan; horizontal projection; lay-out; outline
Grundrisse m
gen. outlines
: 30 phrases in 4 subjects
Life sciences1
Optics branch of physics1