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noun | noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
Furche f f =, -n
gen. corrugation; drill; furrow; glyph; gutter; line; wrinkle; gouge
agric. ploughed furrow; groove (vallecula); gully rut; ravine; trough; manger; drill (für die Saat)
amer. channeling
archaeol. rut
astr. cleft
construct. stria
med. groove (sulcus); trench (sulcus); furrow (sulcus); cleft (sulcus); fissure (sulcus); vallecula; crena
nucl.phys. groove
paleont. sulcus
phys. groove (e.g. of the grating); rill; rille
tech. seed row; trench
furchen f
med. to furrow
Furche n
chem. fissure; crevice (Spalte)
opt. groove (of a grating)
Furchen v
gen. furrows
agric. furrow
Furche v
met. undercut
furchen v
gen. gutter; flute; rut
construct. channel; plough; plow амер.; ridge; riffle
tech. groove
Furchen eines Furchenwals v
gen. throat grooves; throat pleats (of a rorqual); ventral pleats
Furch v
agric. furrow; furrows
sich furchen v
gen. ridge
Furchen adj.
construct. ploughing
paleont. grooves; slits; sulci
Furchen- adj.
agric. furrow
furchen adj.
agric. mark with ridges
Furchen: 88 phrases in 9 subjects
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