
   German English
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gen. attendance
comp., MS service
econ. IT -service
market. rendering of services; supply of services
gen. provision of services; Services
agric. service industries
econ. commer. construct. service
environ. services
| Investitionen
polygr. capital outlay
econ. TRIMs
| Dual
math. dual
use | Waren
transp. cargo
| Normen
gen. norms
| und
gen. and
| Zertifizierungen
auto. certification
| auswärtige
gen. from outside
- only individual words found

to phrases
Dienstleistungen f
gen. provision of services; Services; attendances; services
agric. service industries
commun. services (layer-layer)
econ. service activities; intangible commodities; tertiary industries; services rendered
econ., commer., construct. service
environ. services The carrying out of work for which there is a constant public demand by the provision of labor and the utilization of tools
nat.res. public services
stat. medical services
Dienstleistung f f =, -en
gen. attendance; service; provision of services
comp., MS service (A change in the state of a consuming party or a change in the state of an item belonging to a consuming party that is produced by an activity performed by a providing party)
construct. service provision
cust., EU. service activity
econ. office; services rendered
econ., IT N-service
ed. services
market. rendering of services; supply of services
Dienstleistungen,Investitionen,TRIMS,Dual- use -Waren,Normen und Zertifizierungen,auswärtige: 1 phrase in 1 subject