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health., anim.husb. foot-and-mouth disease
med. contagious aphthae; aphthous fever; epidemic stomatitis; malignant aphthae; aphthobullous stomatitis; epizootic stomatitis
Maul- und Klauenseuche
gen. foot-and-mouth disease FMD
health., anim.husb. aphtha disease (aphtae epizooticae); aphthous fever (aphtae epizooticae); epizootic aphtha (aphtae epizooticae); foot and mouth disease (aphtae epizooticae); foot-and-mouth disease (aphtae epizooticae); malignant aphtha (aphtae epizooticae)
health., nat.res., agric. hoof-and-mouth
med. foot-andmouth disease; foot and mouth disease
vet.med. foot-and-mouth disease; eczema epizoőtica; epizoötic aphtha; aphthous fever
Maul- und Klauenseuchen-
agric. foot-and-mouth disease; barbs; aphthous fever; epizoötic aphtha; eczema epizootica
Maul-und Klauenseuche
health., agric. aphthous fever; foot-and-mouth disease
health., anim.husb. outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease
Maul-und-Klauenseuche: 27 phrases in 6 subjects
Foreign trade1
Health care16
Natural sciences2