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gen. previous; prior; former; some time ago; preceding; point
 N 項
comp., MS n-ary

gen. previous n adj-no n-suf pref; prior n adj-no n-suf pref; former n adj-no n-suf pref; some time ago n adj-no n-suf pref; preceding n adj-no n-suf pref; point (e.g. pencil); tip; end; nozzle; head (of a line); front; ahead; the other side; the future; hereafter; destination; the other party; anterior Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; Misaki (unclass)
given., surn. Saki
surn. Susumu; Susume; Sen; Zen; Mae; Maesaki; Maezaki; Maehama
ichi1 | ichi1 しとみ
gen. the last n-pref (e.g. "the last mayor" i.e. immediately preceding); one-time n-pref; before the name of an era pre- (e.g. "premodern"); before adj-no n; earlier adj-no n; ago n-adv n-t suf; previously n-adv n-t suf; minutes to n-adv n-t suf (the hour); in front (of); fore part; in the presence of; helping; portion; privates; private parts
前々 news1 nf14 | news1 nf14
gen. beforehand n; for a long time n