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SOAP メッセージ
comp., MS SOAP message (The data encapsulated in a SOAP envelope that flows back and forth between a client and a Web service)
メッセージ messēji
comp., MS message (In communications, a unit of information transmitted electronically from one device to another. A message can contain one or more blocks of text as well as beginning and ending characters, control characters, a software-generated header (destination address, type of message, and other such information), and error-checking or synchronizing information. A message can be routed directly from sender to receiver through a physical link, or it can be passed, either whole or in parts, through a switching system that routes it from one intermediate station to another)
tech. message
gen. message-id n
WSDL メッセージ
comp., MS WSDL message (An abstract, typed definition of the data that is communicated during a WSDL operation)
DSN メッセージ
comp., MS DSN message (The text that explains the delivery status of an e-mail message, and may recommend user action)