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ds n
gen. decisecond (Irina Verbitskaya)
abbr. skim off (Olgert); stack diameter; double strand
abbr., earth.sc. decistere
abbr., oil soluble migration distance
O&G dense
qual.cont. double strength
ds. abbr.
abbr., commer. days after sight; days' sight
abbr., econ. days
DS abbr.
abbr. Data Set; Decision Support; Deep Space; Delivery Service; Direct Sales; Division of Defence Support; Dallas Semiconductor Corporation; Dark Shadows; Dark Stalkers; Dark Star; Data Server; data sheets (eternalduck); Data Store; Date Stamp; Dave Stewart; Dear Son; debenture stock (алешаBG); decade scaler; decanning scuttle; Deep Spaghetti; Defense Secretary; Define Storage; Delayed Substitutions; Delta Station; Dementia Software; Demon Seed; Dental Surgeon; Department of State; Descent Stage; Destination To Source; Detective Sergeant; Developer System; Digit Select; Digital Service; Digital Services (level); Digital Spy; Digital Studio; Digital System; Dip Shit; Director of Science; Director of Services; Directorate of Safety; Directorate of Signals (Vosoni); Directory Synchronization; Directory System; disconnect switch; Disconnecting Switch (Vosoni); Disk Status; Disorder Status; display and storage; Distributed Software; Distribution Services (SNA); Distribution System (WLAN); Doctor of Science (Vosoni); Doctor Scott; domestic service; Dominance And Submission; Double Sampling; Double Scalar; Double Screen; Double Speed; Double-Sided; downspout; Draft Standard; draft stop; Dream Street; Drunk Slut; Duh Statement; Dumb Shit; Dune Sport
abbr., agric. degree of saturation; powder for dry seed treatment
abbr., agric., chem. double superphosphate
abbr., anim.husb. Dutch Standard; dry substance wt. %
abbr., astr. diffuse luminous surface
abbr., astronaut. dangerous space
abbr., auto. dead soak; detonation sensor; diagnostic system; diesel service; direction sign
abbr., automat. digital switch; direct-current signal
abbr., avia. damage size; data of service; data standard; defence suppression; delivery status; departed station; design series; destination; destination select; destination station; direct shipping; direct spread; discard; discarding; discrete signal; display system; documentation standard; double side; double silk; double stitch; draft drafting standard; drawing summary; supplier's declaration
abbr., BrE Director of Supplies; Director of Survey
abbr., busin. direct sales (dms)
abbr., cartogr. directing station
abbr., commer. domestic support
abbr., comp., net. Distributed Single Layer Test Method; distributed system; dynamic switching
abbr., comp., net., IT Dedicated Server; Differentiated Services; Directory Services; Distributed Systems
abbr., cycl. dual slalom
abbr., dril. depth shift (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. direct sequence; data spooling; data stream; data strobe; debugging system; decimal subtract; decoder simulator; dedicated service; defense system; deflection sensitivity; deflection system; delivery system; descrambling; dictation system; dictionary sort; die sorting; difference signal; differentiated service; diffraction spectrometer; diffused substrate; digital servo; digital signature; digital stream; digital synchronization; diode sputtering; direct charging via the substrate pin; directly solidified; direct spread mode; document storage; double space; drive scanner; drive system; duplexed system
abbr., el., scient. Digital Signal
abbr., electr.eng. desuperheater; digital stabilizer; disconnecting switch; drum switch
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Dark Side; Demon Stone
abbr., file.ext. Data Segment; Data Send
abbr., genet. Nei’s standard genetic distance
abbr., HF.electr. direct sequence
abbr., IT Data Service; Data Source; Data Structure; Directory Service; Double Sided; Dual Screen; define symbol; device selector; dial system; double sided disk
abbr., lab.eq. dye set (Alex Lilo)
abbr., lat. Deus ("God")
abbr., logist. deviation surcharge
abbr., math. dynamic simulation
abbr., med. Dermatan Sulfate; Dermatology And Syphilology; Devic Syndrome; Diffuse Scleroderma; Double Stranded; diffuse scleroderma (ННатальЯ); Down Syndrome (синдром Дауна Dimpassy); disseminated sclerosis; dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; delayed sensitivity; density standard; desynchionized sleep; dextrose-saline; diastolic murmur; discrimination score; multiple sclerosis; Doctor of Surgery; donor's serum; dry swallow; day spa; dietary supplement
abbr., met. drawing steel (Technical)
abbr., mil. Data System; Direct Support; Double Shot; Direct frequency Synthesis (as opposed to IS); direct support; Directorate for Management and Chief Information Officer (DIA); doctrine sponsor
abbr., mil., air.def. direction station
abbr., mil., WMD decontaminating solution; Decontamination solution; Demilitarization subsystem
abbr., O&G drilling slurry (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. sanitary sewer
abbr., O&G, sakh. Drilling Services (Contractor)
abbr., oil directional survey; drillship; drillstem; dual seal
abbr., physiol. Diagnostic Sensitivity
abbr., physiol., med. Down's Syndrome
abbr., plast. deep screw
abbr., polym. degree of substitution; dispersion-strengthened; dry spinning
abbr., scottish Directionally Solidified
abbr., sport. Dungeon Siege
abbr., surg. Duodenal Switch (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., tech. date set
abbr., telecom. Data Synchronization (t_edelweis); digital switching
abbr., transp. Dual Shock
abbr., vet.med. dermoid sinus (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., weld. Dip Soldering (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Apollo-Soyuz display signal
chem. distiller
ecol. dissolved solid; dry solid
energ.ind. data status; decontaminated sludge; dewatered sludge; drum separator; dynamic system
FBI. Destroyed
meteorol. duststorm
mil. data sheet; data storage; data system; date of service; day of supply; dead space; decision sheet; defense support; defense suppression; defensive; defensive sector; delivery schedule; depot of supply; deputy secretary; design specification; design stage; design standards; detached service; deterrent strategy; digital signal; directing staff; discarding sabot; disinfectant solution; distance; distant surveillance; distinguished service; division set; document signal; documented sample; dressing station; drill sergeant; driving school; drone squadron; Dropside; dual standard; duty section; duty status
physiol. Diagnostic sensitivity
st.exch. directional system (dimock)
tech. dark slide; data scanning; data security; data space; data switching; data system administration; data systems technician; dataset; decision and switching; decontamination shop; decoy signature; degree of safety; delay-and-sum; depth sounder; design standard; deteriorating standby; diffusion substrate; digit selection; diode switch; direct substitution; disconnected; disk storage; dissolved solids; Dolly shot; door switch; double-silk insulation; down sensor; downstream; drill stem; drop siding; drum storage; dual scan; dual-sided; dynamic scattering; dynamic storage
water.suppl. dry solids
Ds abbr.
abbr. dissociator
abbr., earth.sc. disthene; dolostone
abbr., genet. dissociation; dissociation gene
tech. dees; dysprosium
%DS abbr.
abbr., cardiol. percent diameter stenosis (% сужения просвета Dimpassy)
DS abbr.
abbr. digital section; deck start; design study; diffuse surface; digit switch; display station; double sash
abbr., busin. domestic saving; daylight saving (time); days; debt service; department store; distant; documentation and status; double sunk (mouldings); drugstore
abbr., cardiol. duplex scanning (igisheva)
abbr., comp., net. datagram socket; dunce smiley; dual stack
abbr., comp.name. Decca Survey, Limited
abbr., construct. danger space
abbr., dril. drilling spool
abbr., earth.sc. deep-sea clays; density scale; depth of sealing; design storm; detail specification; developments in sedimentology; differential scheme; digital sequence; discriminant score; dispersion system; dispersive spread function; dissolved silica; dried solids; dwell sounding mode
abbr., econ. days after sight
abbr., IT desired state
abbr., law dispute settlement (grafleonov)
abbr., met. dispersion strengthening; dispersion strengthened
abbr., multimed. description scheme
abbr., oil Dansk Standard; deep sea; delivered sound; delta system; depositional sequences; depot ship; depth sounding; detailed specification; development system; diesel ship; dilute strength; direct subtract; disc switch; dolomite stringer; Dowell-Schlumberger; drill ship; drill site; drilling string; dry sediment
abbr., space directionally solidified alloy; document signed; dynamic simulator
abbr., sport. defence save
abbr., telecom. dispersion shift; direct sequence spread spectrum
abbr., weld. dip soldering (Natalya Rovina)