
   Dutch French
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agric. mech.eng. ancre; bèche d'ancrage
coal. construct. clouage; clouement; cloutage
construct. ancrage; tirant; ancrage; chaînage
mech.eng. matériel de campement
| der
pharma. chem. alcool butylique
staafjes | in
gen. au sein de
| de
mater.sc. construct. démonter
| bundel
comp., MS offre groupée
- only individual words found

to phrases
verankering n
agric., mech.eng. ancre f; bèche d'ancrage
coal., construct. clouage m; clouement m; cloutage m
construct. ancrage m; tirant m; droit d' ancrage (recht); chaînage m
mech.eng. matériel de campement
transp., construct. barre de scellement
verankering der: 15 phrases in 6 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes1
Mechanic engineering2
Nuclear and fusion power1