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comp., MS shift; move; move
fin. reset
IT dat.proc. mater.sc. relocation
IT tech. relocate
van | de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
| boortoren
coal. well drilling derrick
| op
chem. met. apply
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comp., MS shift (In programming, to move the bit values one position to the left or right in a register or memory location); move (To transfer a file from one location to another. After the file is transferred, there is only one copy of the file, in the new location); move (To transfer a file from one location to another. After the file is transferred, there is only one copy of the file, in the new location)
fin. reset
IT, dat.proc., mater.sc. relocation
IT, tech. to relocate
mech.eng. change the position; displace; shift; advance; feed
verplaatsen van de boortoren op: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Oil / petroleum1