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comp., MS Back
commun. IT backward
comp., MS roll back
interntl.trade. tax. rollback
transp. mech.eng. turning back
transp. capturing
commun. el. return
comp., MS revert
el. return
| overdracht
econ. carryover
van hypotheken of schulden
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to phrases
terugschakelen v
IT switch back
mech.eng. gearing; gearing down; low gearing; change down; shift down
terugstellen v
commun., el. to reset
IT, tech. to clear; to restore; to backspace
meas.inst. reset
terugzetten v
comp., MS restore (To copy files from a backup storage device to their normal location, especially if the files are being copied to replace files that were accidentally lost or deleted)
meas.inst. reset
transp. backing movement
terugvinden v
gen. retrieval (Finding information in a book or body of material, such as bibliographical data stored in a database)
terugkeren v
commun., el. to return
comp., MS revert (To return to the last saved version of a document. Choosing this command tells the application to abandon all changes made in a document since the last time it was saved)
terugdraaien v
comp., MS roll back (To reverse changes)
terugstorten v
construct. redeposition; replacement; repositioning of existing spoil heaps
terugkeren v
el. return
terugdraaien v
interntl.trade., tax. rollback
terugvinden v
IT locating
terugdraaien v
transp., mech.eng. turning back
terugkomend v
gen. recurrent; recurring
terugtrekken v
gen. draw-down
terugzoeken v
gen. retrieval (Finding information in a book or body of material, such as bibliographical data stored in a database)
terugroepen v
commer. product recall; recall
terug v
commun., IT backward
"terugdrijven" v
immigr. refoul
terugrekenen v
stat. to project backwards; to recalculate
terugrichten v
survey. <-> backsight
terugzoeken v
work.fl., IT information retrieval
Terug v
comp., MS Back (A navigation button used to return to recently visited Web pages in Internet Explorer)
terugschrijven v
comp., MS write back (To update a cube cell value, member, or member property value)
terugwikkelen v
cultur., mater.sc. rewinding
terughalen v
med. retrieval
terugdrijven v
transp. capturing
terug-overdracht van
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects