
   Dutch English
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life.sc. agric. warp
agric. alluvium; silt
chem. slime
construct. mire mud
environ. mud; sludge
environ. industr. sewage sludge
life.sc. construct. mud
met. el. thin sludge
van | verf- en lakverwijdering
 verf-en lakverwijdering
environ. paint or varnish removal
| met
hydraul. measure
gehalogeneerde oplosmiddelen
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
slib n
construct. mire mud
environ., industr. sewage sludge
met., el. thin sludge
slib v
agric. alluvium; silt
chem. slime
environ. mud sediment; sludge; silt The fine mineral material formed from the erosion of rock fragments and deposited by rivers and lakes. Its particles are the intermediate form between sand and clay. The particles can range in size from 0.01-0.05 mm in diameter; sludge 1. A soft, soupy, or muddy bottom deposit, such as found on tideland or in a stream bed. 2. A semifluid, slushy, murky mass of sediment resulting from treatment of water, sewage, or industrial and mining wastes, and often appearing as local bottom deposits in polluted bodies of water
life.sc., construct. mud
nucl.phys. clinkers; sludges
aanslibben v
hydraul. silt up
life.sc., agric. to warp
slibben v
construct. to wash clay (klei)
nat.sc., chem. sludge
slib van verf- en lakverwijdering met gehalogeneerde
: 1 phrase in 1 subject