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comp., MS section
ed. department; section
mater.sc. construct. assembled section
med. autopsy; necropsy; post-mortem examination; post-mortem
transp. line section
transp. el. distance between tension equipment
| economische en
 economisch goed
econ. economic good
| sociale wetenschappen
 sociale wetenschapper
ed. R&D. social scientist
- only individual words found

to phrases
sectie f
comp., MS section (A control that contains other controls)
ed. department; section; subsection
mater.sc., construct. assembled section
med. autopsy; necropsy; post-mortem examination; post-mortem
transp. line section
transp., el. distance between tension equipment
sectie, f
econ. section
sectie economische en sociale
: 1 phrase in 1 subject