
   Dutch English
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commun. mech.eng. head; probe
econ. tube
environ. stack; discharge culvert
industr. construct. met. immersion muffle
mech.eng. pipe; duct
transp. channel
construct. piping
f | met
hydraul. measure
geschaduwde roosters | buis
econ. tube
f | met
hydraul. measure
schaduwende roosters
- only individual words found

to phrases
buis f
gen. electron tube; valve
commun., mech.eng. head; probe
construct. electrical conduit
econ. tube
environ. stack The portion of a chimney rising above the roof; discharge culvert (cloaca); stack; sewer (cloaca)
industr., construct., met. immersion muffle
mech.eng. pipe; duct; line
tech. stem
transp. channel
buizen f
construct. piping
industr., construct. bagging
patents. pipes
buis f met geschaduwde
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Antennas and waveguides1