
   Dutch English
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gen. statement; interpretative declaration
IT dat.proc. declarative; directive
law adjudicative decree; giving of evidence; giving evidence
med. interpretation
polit. declaration
polit. law solemn affirmation
ad | artikel
comp., MS item
5 van | het
commun. N
| Protocol
econ. Protocol
| tot
fish.farm. yawling
| opneming
med. intake
van | het
commun. N
| Schengenacquis
gen. Schengen "acquis"
| in
gen. within
| het
commun. N
| kader
math. frame
van | de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
- only individual words found

to phrases
verklaring f
gen. statement; interpretative declaration; report
IT, dat.proc. declarative; directive
law adjudicative decree; giving of evidence; giving evidence; attestation; certificate
med. interpretation
polit. declaration
polit., law solemn affirmation
proced.law. representation
Verklaring f
gen. statement
verklaringen f
law depositions
Verklaring ad artikel 5 van het Protocol tot opneming van het Schengenacquis in het kader van de: 1 phrase in 1 subject